Contact Support

Global Rules

§1) General information

  1. Please read the following rules carefully, and be sure to follow them.
  2. Be aware that these rules apply to all aspects and features of the game and connected services.
  3. InnoGames reserves the right to change the rules any time. If changed we will announce this at minimum on the forum and on the start page of Tribal Wars.
  4. Please be aware that special, temporary worlds might have additional rules and restrictions. These will be listed in the forum announcement and the world's introduction notice.
  5. InnoGames assumes no responsibility for the actions or comments made by users in the game or other platforms. User content can be removed without prior warning or notification or the need to state the reasons, if it is deemed to be in violation of our rules.
  6. If there are questions about any part of the rules, regulations and limitations as mentioned in these paragraphs please contact the support team beforehand.
  7. These rules are unable to cover every eventuality. The support team may choose to impose punishments in cases not covered by these rules.
  8. Please take into account that in addition to the rules our terms and conditions also apply to our services and have to be adhered to at all times.
  9. The support staff, Community Management personnel and InnoGames employees will never ask for account passwords.

§2) Code of Conduct

  1. Always treat other members of this community respectfully. All interactions with other players should be friendly and appropriate.
  2. The support team reserves the right to punish or ban players who disobey these rules from the game and/or connected services; depending on the offense without prior warning or notice. Bans must be appealed via the support system.
  3. In cases of severe misbehavior or misuse of the support system the support staff can exclude the offending player from using the support system.
  4. Every player is obliged to follow instructions given by the support team. The Community Manager is the highest instance of authority in all support matters. Her/his decision is final.
  5. Anything written in the game or connected services can be reported and be used as evidence against a player in an appeal or other support issues. If in doubt the interpretation of the messages will fall to the support team.
  6. Players are forbidden from impersonating or pretending to be another player, a member of the support team or an employee of InnoGames.
  7. It is forbidden to claim to have acquaintances with the support staff or InnoGames employees, in order to force any kind of behavior.
  8. Publishing the content of any communication with the support team or other players without their full consent is not permitted.
  9. Players are obliged to report information on errors and bugs to the support team as soon as they discover or learn of them. Failure to do so promptly, especially if advantages have been gained due to the bug/error, may result in punishment.
  10. Benefiting from another player breaking the rules may also lead to actions being taken against the benefiting account. Players who think they have benefited from a breach of rules must contact the support team immediately.
  11. It is forbidden to request actions or information directly or indirectly relating to account ownership or to blackmail, trick or threaten players for such; as well as to instigate a breach of the rules in any other way.
  12. Storing, sharing, publishing or advertising any kind of information that violates our rules in the game or any connected platform is strictly forbidden.
  13. The use of any external or ingame means or method to circumvent rules, blocks or technical limitations implemented into the game or connected services is strictly forbidden.

§3) Communication and Language

  1. Expressions, terminology, media or links to content which displays, approves or invokes politically extreme, pornographic, violent, sexually explicit, sexist, insulting, abusive, threatening or illegal content are prohibited in the game and any connected platform. This includes censored or otherwise altered versions.
  2. Players cannot use recognizable brands, trademarks and/or protected names as a part of the account, profile, village or tribe.
  3. Using the game or connected services for direct or indirect advertisement of websites, projects, brands or similar is not allowed. To do so despite this rule, explicit permission by the support team has to be requested beforehand.
  4. Communication between players and with the support has to be in or . The support team may choose to stop dealing with requests that are not comprehensible (e.g. using an automated translation).
  5. Player and tribal profiles have to be in or . Short and well known quotes/sentences in other languages are permitted only if a correct translation in English (GB) is provided directly following or preceding it.
  6. Players are not allowed to share their or third party personal information with others, as it might be used to compromise their account or in otherwise illegitimate ways.

§4) Accounts

  1. Players are only allowed to have one account on each world. Players may play on multiple worlds with the same account or to play Tribal Wars with several accounts, as long as these are not active on the same world.
  2. If a player decides, for whatever reason, to play another account on the same world he/she has to make sure that an account deletion is requested and 24 hours have passed since then, before logging in to the new account. It is not allowed to cancel the account deletion process after that.
  3. Player accounts are usually removed from a world after 14 days of inactivity.
  4. Creating and/or using one or more accounts for the primary benefit of another account ("pushing"), as well as profiting from such behavior, is forbidden.
  5. It is not allowed to gain or try to gain unauthorized access to another user's account. Even the attempt is punishable.
  6. It is forbidden to share passwords or other login credentials with other players. There is no obligation for the support team to assist in such cases.
  7. If a player is unable to gain access to his/her account and/or thinks that the account has been compromised the support team needs to be contacted within seven days to contest the account ownership. After this time frame it is unlikely that the support team will be able to grant back access to the account.
  8. If the "Account Sitting" feature is used the account owner is solely responsible for the selection of the sitter and it is assumed that the sitter is in general acting with his/her consent. This applies to any change done to (or by) the account while the account sitting is active. Individual or repetitive misuse of sitting may lead to punishments to all involved accounts. It is at the Support Team's discretion to define misuse on a case-by-case basis.
  9. Users playing from the same device or network (e.g. same household, school, workplace) have to declare this in their account settings under "Connection Sharing".
  10. It is prohibited to use temporary/disposable ("trash") emails to register or use for a Tribal Wars account.
  11. Every player is responsible for the validity and security of his/her account and the data entered.
  12. To be able to provide our service players may not mask account related information from the support team using technical means or by any other method. A player's rights in regards to privacy towards other users (like using an anonymous user name) are unaffected by this rule.

§5) Premium Currency

  1. Premium points may only be purchased from official in-game shop or the mobile apps. Purchasing Premium Points from another other source is forbidden and those points could be removed without compensation. InnoGames will therefore not provide any support for premium currency which was not purchased through our official in-game shop or the mobile apps.
  2. Selling, buying or offering accounts, parts of accounts or external services related to accounts in exchange for Premium Points or any other benefits is strictly forbidden. The only exception to this are game play elements or features that are a direct part of the game and designed to interact with the in-game economy.
  3. The transfer of Premium Points between players is undertaken entirely at the risk of the participating players. There is no obligation for the support to assist in these cases. Please be aware that Premium Points received by players might be removed retroactively at any time, for example if they are subject to charge-backs, gained fraudulently or are gained by a violation of the rules outlined here. If a player receives Premium Points from an unknown source the support team should be contacted before spending them.

§6) Bots & Scripts

  1. Tribal Wars has to be played with the supported browsers over the official web versions or the official and updated mobile apps. Any kind of action in the game has to be done by hand or by a selection of permitted scripts and tools only.
  2. Bots, tools, scripts and other means which provide automated actions or replicate and/or allow access to premium functionality are forbidden unless explicitly permitted.
  3. An overview on which scripts can be used in the game can be found here.
  4. The source code of scripts must not be obfuscated in any way and must be accessible by the Tribal Wars team.

Market Rules

§7) Other

Script Rules

All scripts must be approved by the Support Team. If you are not sure if a script or tool is allowed you should always ask the support team first in a support ticket. A list of allowed scripts can be found on the forum.

The following rules apply:

  1. All userscripts (greasemonkey/tampermonkey/…) or tools (such as extensions/browser addons) with similar behaviour are forbidden.
  2. Scripts can only perform one action per click with the exception of renaming commands, villages or report titles.
  3. Scripts may not interact with the Loot Assistant without specific approval from the Tribal Wars team.
  4. A script may not automatically send information or react to an event on your account.
  5. A script may not focus or click the Attack, Support or Send button on the rally point / attack confirmation page.
  6. Scripts can not send an attack on your behalf and may not be used to send troops automatically or with fewer clicks than usual.
  7. A script may not interact with the Premium Exchange.

The Tribal Wars team may disapprove scripts at their own discretion, even if the script adheres to the rules outlined above.

Speed Round

Additional Game Rules may apply to Speed rounds. Make sure to read the round description carefully before joining.

Additional Account Rules

  1. Accounts that share a common connection (or have shared one at any point in the past) may not noble from one another.
  2. When switching from one account to another, the password of the account must be changed. The player is only allowed to switch to the new account 24 hours after this change took place. The old account must remain active on the world and the new account cannot noble it. Please review all regulations on this process as listed here, before taking any action.
  3. It is not allowed to have permanent sitters - accounts sat for more than 60 consecutive days will be blocked.